Important Parent Information

The School Day 7:30 a.m.

The school day starts at 7:30. ALl students may walk in grab breakfast and eat in their classroom with their peers.

Tardy Bell 7:45 a.m.

Students who arrive after 7:45 a.m. must sign in at the office. Students who arrive late more than 3 times in a 9 week period will receive a call home.

7:30- 11:10 Pre K 3

  • Pre-Kindergarten : Double doors in front of Pre-K wing
  • Kindergarten: Double doors in front of Pre-K wing
  • First Grade: 200 wing to Lazy Lane
  • Second/Third Grade: Portables to Lazy Lane
  • Fourth/Fifth Grade: 300 wing to Lazy Lane

Students are not allowed to wait in any area, including Wooten Park, other than the designated area after dismissal. The school is obligated to contact appropriate authorities if a child is left for an extended period of time. Parents are required to make arrangements for their children to be picked up in a timely way at dismissal. It is not acceptable to tell children to wait at school or in the park. Before 7:30 a.m. and after 3:10  it is the parent’s responsibility to ensure appropriate supervision of their children.